What if you changed one little thing and that changed you forever ?
It is that first step that first thing that starts the process to accomplish huge things in life.
I asked a friend of mine who runs marathons what is the hardest part of running marathons?
I wanted to know what drives him, motivates him and how does he keeps his mindset focused on the task.
His answer blew me away as he told me the hardest part of running marathons was putting on his runners !
Being the only female member of our family, and mother to two teenaged boys I am expected to steer the ship into uncharted waters.
How do I know I am heading in the right direction ?
How do I kept going ?
I tap into my leadership skills but unlike in the workplace I have an emotional connection to my children which adds another dimension (love) to the situation.
A working Mum’s guide to leadership in parenting (and business) and the lessons we learn from our children.
From taking my dyslexic 7 year old out of school to teach him to read and write to taking my 18 year old to the police station in his VCE year…..and everything in-between !
I do know however leaders need to have courageous conversations.
Remember the story of the Emperors new clothes ?
Most people will not have these types of conversations and yet if you were the Emperor would you want to know ?
Some Emperors say they would but shoot the messenger anyway.
Some Emperors stay in their royal bubble and blame everyone other than taking responsibility.
And the Emperor who is the true leader appreciates the honesty and the courageous conversation.
What is Neuro-Liguistic Programming ?
NLP is a method of influencing brain behaviour (the “neuro” part of the phrase) through the use of language (the “linguistic” part) and other types of communication to enable a person to “recode” the way the brain responds to stimuli (that’s the “programming”) and manifest new and better behaviours.
Not sure what is next in your career? Want to reconnect with your passion or reinvent yourself?
It is just you don’t know what you don’t know yet. Sometimes its not so easy to see the forest for the trees.
Come on a journey to tap back into your passion and learn how to simply tread it back through your career and personal life.
Have you ever thought where did this come from?
Learn how to shake off other’s negative emotions, see your emotions as flags of awareness and tap into the message they are giving you.
Sandy has demonstrated sustained achievement in the form of:
- Superior, lasting business results
- Leadership, cultural transformation and change management
- Strategy and innovation
Sandy is an engaging personality with a selfless style. Her leadership is driven through a strong sense of purpose and values. People working with Sandy comment that “She gives everything she’s got” and expects others to do the same. She is curious, achievement oriented and displays the highest integrity. Sandy makes great effort to maintain authentic connections with people around her and to empower them to work to their potential.
Sandy is now pursuing her passion for realising potential as a Speaker, Author, Educator, Facilitator and Coach.

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